What people have to say...

“Your performance of Vox [Balaenae] in this recording is one of the very finest I have ever heard -- Bravo moltissimo! I admire the technical excellence and incredible musicality and sensitivity of your trio. Please relay my thanks and appreciation to your colleagues!”
~ George Crumb

“Charles Foreman has expressed a particular interest in the music of
Karol Szymanowski…
his Masques, Op. 34 [are] wild, exotic specimens of virtuoso pianism that found
Foreman performing at his peak.
“There is no way to adequately describe the mesmerizing effect of his performance, the apparently limitless range of color and dynamic extremes he can coax out of the instrument. From the exotic impressionism of Scheherazade through the bitter mockery of Tantris the Fool, he never ceased to fascinate. Not even the curious example of a Polish composer creating a Spanish tone poem in Don Juan’s Serenade could detract from the power, the depth of his performance.”
~ Eric Dawson, Calgary Herald

“Foreman first impressed the audience by his very sensitive and musical playing of Beethoven’s Andante favori. Then he wowed them with a display of digital dexterity. The vehicles for the latter were the two most famous of the Liszt etudes on a theme by Paganini (No. 2 in E flat major and No. 6 in A minor) as well as Chopin’s Ballade in G minor…Foreman’s performance of the Liszt and Chopin pieces could only be described as terrific…”
~ Eugene Cramer, The Albertan

“I have just listened, the third time, to your interpretation of my Four Portraits from Memory. It is breathtakingly beautiful: poetic, mysterious, full of stunning detail. You, truly, joined me as a ‘co-creator’ with this performance!”
~ Istvan Anhalt, on the 2008 premiere of his new piano piece,
Four Portraits from Memory

“The encore season of the International Chopin Music Festival opened Saturday night to a standing-room only audience at the UTEP Fox Fine Arts Theater. Charles Foreman of the University of Calgary was the featured performer. Opening the program with an almost continuous
50 minutes of playing, Foreman displayed his technical versatility ad emotional involvement with the music of Frederic Chopin…he succeeded in presenting Chopin on a level that
few artists would tackle.”
~ Fran Zimet, El Paso Times

He won the Belgian Radio Prize in the 1975 Queen Elizabeth Competition
in Brussels, where the late Jacques Stehman proclaimed him “master of his talents, which are remarkable, full of assurance, proof of a refined musical perception, he coaxes the attention by the authority and eloquence which he asserts. All is played with a natural facility – in short, a name to remember”